Era soltanto questione di tempo. La guerra in Siria ha già fatto un milione di sfollati nel paese e più di trecentomila siriani hanno trovato rifugio oltre confine, in Turchia, Giordania e Libano. Alcuni da lì stanno tentando di raggiungere l'Europa. Non tutti però hanno la possibilità di ottenere un visto. E allora c'è chi prende la via del mare. Come la famiglia salpata l'altro ieri da Latakia su un peschereccio diretto a Cipro nord, da dove probabilmente progettavano di raggiungere Nicosia e chiedere asilo politico alla repubblica di Cipro. La barca però è affondata. E sono morti tutti e 7 i membri della famiglia, compresi due bambini piccoli. Di seguito i dettagli della notizia sulla stampa cipriota.
Syrian family reported drowned
Published on August 28, 2012 on the Cyprus Mail
NICOSIA - A Syrian family has reportedly drowned off the coast of Karpasia in the occupied north during an attempt to reach the island from Syria to seek refuge from war. According to yesterday’s Turkish Cypriot daily Haberdar, the boat- named Patriot and under the flag of the breakaway regime- sailed from Latakia port in Syria carrying seven members of a Syrian family. It is believed the seven were to be brought to northern Cyprus and then trafficked across the Green Line to the government-controlled areas. However, the boat sank in the open sea off the Karpasia peninsula, killing the family, including two children. The captain of the boat and his assistant managed to swim to shore. Both were arrested on charges of human trafficking on Saturday. Turkish Cypriot police arrested two more men in connection with the same crime.
Syrian family reported drowned
Published on August 28, 2012 on the Cyprus Mail
NICOSIA - A Syrian family has reportedly drowned off the coast of Karpasia in the occupied north during an attempt to reach the island from Syria to seek refuge from war. According to yesterday’s Turkish Cypriot daily Haberdar, the boat- named Patriot and under the flag of the breakaway regime- sailed from Latakia port in Syria carrying seven members of a Syrian family. It is believed the seven were to be brought to northern Cyprus and then trafficked across the Green Line to the government-controlled areas. However, the boat sank in the open sea off the Karpasia peninsula, killing the family, including two children. The captain of the boat and his assistant managed to swim to shore. Both were arrested on charges of human trafficking on Saturday. Turkish Cypriot police arrested two more men in connection with the same crime.