Due ragazzi di 18 e di 25 anni. Che anziché godersi un viaggio in aereo sono costretti a viaggiare di nascosto per sfuggire al divieto di viaggio imposto ai cittadini dei paesi più poveri. I loro corpi senza vita li hanno ritrovati mercoledì sulla riva del fiume Evros, lungo cui corre la frontiera terrestre tra Turchia e Grecia. Si erano tuffati nelle acque gelide del fiume tentando di raggiungere a nuoto il lato greco del confine. E sono morti così. Di seguito il dettaglio della notizia.
Two migrants drown in Evros River
Kathimerini, 12/10/2011
Border police recover the bodies of two men who tried to swim to Greece from Turkey
Countless would-be migrants have drowned in the Evros River in their effort to enter Greece illegally from Turkey
Border guards in Evros, northern Greece, said on Wednesday that they had recovered the drowned bodies of two undocumented immigrants on the banks of the Evros River that runs along part of the Greek-Turkish border.
One of the migrants is an 18-year-old Pakistani, according to a compatriot who identified him to police, while the second man is a 25-year-old believed to be of Asian origin.
Both men appear to have drowned while swimming across the river in a bid to reach Greece from Turkey, police said
Two migrants drown in Evros River
Kathimerini, 12/10/2011
Border police recover the bodies of two men who tried to swim to Greece from Turkey
Countless would-be migrants have drowned in the Evros River in their effort to enter Greece illegally from Turkey
Border guards in Evros, northern Greece, said on Wednesday that they had recovered the drowned bodies of two undocumented immigrants on the banks of the Evros River that runs along part of the Greek-Turkish border.
One of the migrants is an 18-year-old Pakistani, according to a compatriot who identified him to police, while the second man is a 25-year-old believed to be of Asian origin.
Both men appear to have drowned while swimming across the river in a bid to reach Greece from Turkey, police said