12 August 2011

Egitto: la polizia uccide un uomo al confine con Israele

Dal 2007, secondo Human Rights Watch, sono almeno 85 le persone abbattute a colpi di arma da fuoco dalla polizia di frontiera egiziana lungo il confine con Israele, nella penisola del Sinai, colpiti mentre tentavano di attraversare a piedi la frontiera senza documenti con l'intenzione di chiedere asilo politico al governo di Tel Aviv. L'ultima vittima e' un ragazzo sudanese di soli 23 anni, colpito a una gamba lo scorso 11 agosto. Di seguito, i dettagli dell'omicidio sulla stampa egiziana.

Egyptian police kill Sudanese migrant near Israel border
CAIRO, Thu, 11/08/2011 - Egyptian police shot dead a Sudanese migrant and wounded two others on Thursday as they tried to cross illegally into Israel, a security official said.

The dead man, 23, died of a bullet wound in the thigh. The two others were taken to hospital, the official said.

Around 10 sub-Saharan migrants have been killed this year trying to cross the porous border into Israel, which has asked Egypt to clamp down on migrant traffic and smuggling.

The figure is a drop from 2010, in which they shot dead at least 28 migrants by August.

Rather than any change in the much-criticised policy of shooting unarmed migrants, the lower death toll has been attributed to laxer policing since the revolt that overthrew president Hosni Mubarak in February.

New York-based Human Rights Watch said last year that Egyptian police have killed at least 85 migrants near the border since 2007.